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  • GRADIENT 5 16-9.png

    ZEN 001


    Seated meditation focusing on breath or working with koans, observing thoughts and sensations without attachment.


    Promotes clarity of mind, emotional stability, and insight into the nature of existence.

    Problems Addressed

    Stress, lack of focus, spiritual seeking, existential questions.

    Traditional Source

    Zen Buddhism

  • GRADIENT 3 16-9.png

    METTA 001


    Directing feelings of loving-kindness towards oneself and then progressively towards others, using specific phrases.


    Fosters compassion, improves relationships, reduces negative emotions like anger and resentment.

    Problems Addressed

    Anger, resentment, interpersonal conflict, feelings of isolation.

    Traditional Source

    Theravada Buddhism

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    SUBWAY 001


    Focusing on the present moment, observing thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment.


    Enhances awareness, reduces stress, improves emotional regulation.

    Problems Addressed

    Stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain.

    Traditional Source

    Buddhist Teachings

  • GRADIENT 1 16-9.png

    PEACE 001

    Prayer by St. Francis of Assisi

    Excerpt from ‘Original Goodness’ by Ecknath Easwaren